Old Time Music Hall
Devised and directed by Pat Watson
9 – 12 June and 14 – 19 June 1971
Betty Bailey, Joanna Baird, Judith Baird, Margaret Baird, Effie Caselton, Audrey Christianson, Mavis Dunphy, Jennifer Farrell, Christine Giles, Betty Gray, Lyn Hughes, Stella Jarman, Margaret Laurence, Annette Marchant, Linda Pollard, Jean Poole, Patrice Renouf, Doreen Sackman, Pauline Wood, Louis Cox, Tony Bate, Phil Carter, Mick Driver, Harry Dunphy, John Farrell, Bill Harris, Mick Hughes, Keith Jarman, John Marchant, Tony Stebbing, Andrew Wright,
Stage Manager – Mike Fryatt
Deputy Stage Manager – Eric Crichton
Lighting Direction – Mike Auvray
Lighting Deputy – Colin Lincoln
Properties – Sheila Fryatt, Molly Pritchard, Wendy Chater
Wardrobe – Joan Robarts