Oh, What a Lovely War!
Directed by Mike Rand
2 – 7 July 1990
Epic war musical developed by Joan Littlewood and her ensemble at the Theatre Workshop in 1963.
The Boys: Colin Bailey, Tony Bate, Roger Butler, Harry Dunphy, Graham Frosdick, Ted Howard, Keith Jarman, Vernon Leese, Ian Macdonald, David Maun, Graham Peters, Peter Richardson, Maurice Tripp, Peter Vale.
The Girls: Christine Angell, Claire Berrecloth, Judith Brace, Carol Butler, Lesley Copleston, Jane Ghost, Dawn Hampton, Nikki Horner, Linda Jeffries, Joanna Lovell, Jaqui Rand.
Musical Director and Piano – Andrew Parmley
Bass – Peter Robson
Drums – Malcolm Ball
Trumpet/Cornet – Trevor Irving
Flute/Piccolo/Clarinet – Alison Shipp
Choreographer – Jeannie Saunders
Stage Manager – Graeme Horner
Assistant Stage Manager – Margaret Penny
Properties – Elsie Bate, Pamela Horner
Lighting – Mike Auvray, Brian Rumble
Sound – Keith Dungate
Projectionist – Polly Owen
Costumes – Carole Bramall
Show Gallery