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The Rise and Fall of Little Voice

Written by Jim Cartwright
Directed by Wayne Morgan-Williams
Musical Director – Sarah Campbell

Blown fuses, real and metaphorical, punctuate the action with flashes of pent-up energy in this acclaimed play. The diminutive heroine frequently plunges the dilapidated house she shares with her alcoholic mother into darkness by playing her dead father’s records at a volume matched only by the soulful power of her vocal impressions. Little Voice has a hidden talent: she can emulate every chanteuse from Judy Garland to Edith Piaf. She hides in her room, crooning and dreaming of love, while her disheveled mother mistakes a seedy agent’s interest as affection rather than enthusiasm for the gold mine buried in her daughter’s throat. This is an engaging fairy tale of despair, love and finally hope as LV finds a voice of her own.


Little Voice (‘LV’) – Amber-Rose Young
Mari Hoff – Jackie Mitchell
Phone Man – Clive Madel
Billy – Liam Shipton
Sadie – Helen Macdonald
Ray Say – Dan Marshall
Mr Boo – Nick Fromings


Stage Manager – Karen Davies
Set Design – Mike Whitnall and Karen Davies
Set Construction – Mike Whitnall with Karen Davies, Shaun Bonner, Roger Butler, Eoghan Lawler, Albert Tilbury, Dave Tallowin, Frank Andrews, Gary Nightingale, Polly Owen, Barry Facer, Jack Flegg
Lighting Design – Adam Davies and Andy Woolliscroft
Lighting Operator – Adam Davies
Projectionist – Kate Richardson
Follow Spot – Andy Woolliscroft
Sound – Steve Nash and William Rowley
Costumes – Shirley Tallowin and Jenny Tallowin Snee
Props – Jenny Brookes and Eleanor Snee
Theatre Liaison – Terri McCann
Prompt – Kelly Randell

Show Gallery

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